Monday 7 March 2011

Bottled Water Market

Branding Glossary


Quotes about branding:
"A brand isn't just a name on the box. It isn't the thing inside the box, either.
A brand is the sum total of all the emotions, thoughts, images, history,
possibilities, and gossip that exist in the marketplace about a certain company"
Luke Sullivan
"A brand is a person's gut felling about a product, service or company"
Marty Neumeier


My favourite quote from the book is by Jean-Luc Godard, who said "It's not where you take things from-it's where you take them to".


A couple of quotes from the book:
"It's better to fail in originality, than to succeed in imitation" Herman Melville
"Success is going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm" Winston Churchill